International Terraced Landscapes Alliance Journal
University of Coventry, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) Coventry, United Kingdom in cooperation with ITLA
ISSN 2754-7639 (Online)
Current issue:
Volume 3, Number 1
December 2024
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The International Terraced Landscapes Alliance Journal serves as a forum for the activities of the various terraced landscape networks and reflects the experiences of ITLA members and their local or national networks for the revitalisation of terraced landscapes and their custodians in different parts of the world - on all continents.
> Ethical principles
Volume 3 Number 1 (December 2024)
This PDF contains the complete layout of the issue including introduction. To download individual articles, please use the DOI links.
Traditional irrigation: A new Intangible
Cultural Heritage of Humanity
After dry stone walls, another infrastructure of terraced landscapes is in the focus of UNESCO
The terraced landscape of the Terragnolo Valley
The steep terraced side of the Terragnolo valley (Trentino, Italy) is today almost completely reforested.
Volume 2 Number 2 (December 2021)
This PDF contains the complete layout of the issue including introduction. To download individual articles, please use the DOI links.
Monique GADAIS
Rehabilitation of the garden site Jardin Clos du Pré Nouveau d’Arcens in Ardèche
The rehabilitation of the terraced site with historic and socio-economic values invites citizens to participate and learn about this particular cultural landscape. T
Maruja SALAS, Cinzia ZONTA
A walk and talk - visiting the terraces in Valstagna, Valbrenta, Veneto
Ihe following text deals with the logic of conversations taken place while visiting the different sites of the project Adopt a Terraced In the River Brenta Valley.
Perspectives of women at the forefront of pre-Inca terrace stewardship in Central Peru
This article highlights the experiences, struggles, sentiments, contributions and reflections of four diverse women representing four rural Andean communities in Central Peru.
Margherita ERMIRIO with collaboration of Agnese SERRA
“Even You”
Experiences in the field by Tu Quoque Association of Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy
This contribution by the TuQuoque Association from Cinque Terre give a chronological panorama of a multifaceted and interwoven cluster of activities regarding the revival of the culture and the artistic dimensions of terraced territories at local, national and global levels.
Volume 2 Number 1 (October 2021)
This PDF contains the complete layout of the issue including introduction. To download individual articles, please use the DOI links.
Maruja SALAS and Lidia Esther ROMERO MARTIN
Women and Terraces
The section “Experiences from the field” of this issue of the ITLA journal presents three articles focusing on Women and Terraces approaching the special relationship of women with nature in mountainous areas.
Artemis Yiordamli
Stone-breaking in Skirts Women building terraces in Pelendri village, Pitsillia, Cyprus
In the early part of the 20th century, the island of Cyprus in the East Mediterranean, then a British colony, had a mostly agrarian economy to which the whole family contributed its labour during the harvesting seasons (vineyards, carobs, olives, fruits, potatoes), if not all year round.
Giorgia De Pasquale
Femmene minute cu’ ‘a forza ‘e ‘nu gigante (Little women with a giant’s power) in the terraced landscape of Amalfi Coast
Women have always had a fundamental role in taking care of the terraced landscape in Amalfi Coast.
Between the countryside and the city:
Female Rurality & Situated Knowledge
This text deals with the experience of Griselda Yanque Mamani, a 75-year-old farmer and retired bilingual teacher from a South Andean Aymara community in the Puno region of southern Peru.
Volume 1 Number 2 (December 2020)
This PDF contains the complete layout of the issue including introduction. To download individual articles, please use the DOI links.
Key Issues in Terraced Landscapes (TLs)
The four thematic groups that formed the central content addressed various inherent aspects of terraced landscapes, as well as conceptual and instrumental statements that outlined the strategic objectives of the fourth congress.
ITLA and Reenchanting Terraces in Peru
In Peru there are currently about one million hectares of terraces of different characteristics that integrate Andean Amazonian territories.
Rice Terrace and Its Conservation by the “Ownership” Program in Japan
Rice terraces, Tanada in Japanese, account for 10% of paddy fields in Japan. Due to its location and situation, they are severely deprived and threatened with decline and extinction.
Volume 1 Number 1 (October 2020)
Ten years of ITLA and the potentials of terraced landscapes
The development of ITLA as a growing movement of individuals and institutions working for the conservation and recovery of the terraced landscapes.
Alain HAYS
From world heritage to an international living networks alliance
The discussion on the first congress in the Ailao Mountains and on the global movement of the International Terraced Landscapes Alliance.